2024 AUG 25 Gods Watchman are Charged from Heaven to say what Gods has already said and does say.

A Watchman’s Charge from GOD is under pain of death: they must warn the “Wicked Person” and “Righteous Person”.

without prejudice

God never separated Himself concerning Church & State:

The progression of Evil that has led to the very time is directly the result of the Gods Watchman’s and Gods House failing to discharge their responsibility to be salt and light and restraining influences against the progression of evil that we witness and are experiencing today!

The Church and the State have never separated by God; the House of God fell for the deception which was specifically devised to empower the progression of evil within government and governance of a nation.

Gods Watchman’s and Gods House must turn from this wicked way humbles themselves and pray and be the salt and light that comes from God, the fool seeks man’s approvals being temporal like straw and stubble the wise man seeks Gods approvals being Eternal like refined Gold.



Credit to Pastor Donnie Swaggart

Credit to Family Worship Centre, Baton Rogue LA USA

Credit to Sonlife Broadcasting Network

Credit to GOD the creator of the Heavens and the Earth whos son id Jesus the Christ

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